Bachelor's, Master's and Specialist students: visa
1. Before leaving Russia
Before you leave Russia and go to other country for a vacation or any other purpose, please make sure to notify your dormitory passport officer / owner of your flat / hotel receptionist and let them know when exactly you are planning to leave and return. Make sure to send an email to and provide the dates of your trip.
If you are crossing the Russian border with Belarus, please note the special procedure.
When should I return?
You can come back to Russia any time while your multiple-entry visa is valid, but no later than 45 days before its expiration so that you could apply for a visa extension in a timely manner.
If you have a single-entry Russian visa, you will need a new visa invitation to return to Russia. You can obtain it from your programme manager. Please follow this link for more details about obtaining a Russian visa.
What should I do if my visa expired while I was outside Russia?
You will need a visa invitation to apply for a new visa. Please contact your programme manager to find out the procedure and follow this link for more details about getting a new Russian visa.
2. What should I do when crossing the border to leave Russia?
At the checkpoint, the officer will ask you to give him/her your passport with a visa and migration card. They will keep your migration card and put a stamp in your passport to confirm that you have crossed the Russian border.
3. After returning to Russia
Foreign citizens are required to get a new migration registration every time they cross the border to enter or re-enter Russia. Please follow this link for more information.
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