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Highly Qualified Specialists: Visa

1. What should I do when crossing a border?

You will be required to provide a passport with a valid visa and a migration card. You will be given a migration card on an airplane, train or bus, or at a checkpoint at an airport. 

If you are crossing the Russian border by transit through Belarus, make sure to obtain a migration card BEFORE entering Russia on the border point with Belarus - ask for the migration card to be issued for you by the migration officer at the Belarusian border point.

To check your migration card (or in the case of self-completion), refer to our migration card sample. Make sure that ‘work’ is underlined as your purpose of the entry.

If you find a mistake in your migration card at the border checkpoint, contact the checkpoint official.

If you find a mistake in your migration card after leaving the border checkpoint, most likely you will have to leave Russia and re-enter.

2. What should I do after crossing the border?

Upon every entry into Russia, foreign citizens must register with the migration authorities within 90 days after entering the country. Please note that you are personally liable for timely registration.

Violations of these requirements may result in a fine of up to 7,000 rubles, expulsion from Russia, and a ban on entry for up to three years. The procedure for issuing registration slips will differ depending on where you will reside; this service is free of charge.

Remember to keep your registration slip and migration card until you leave Russia, as they may be requested when crossing the border.

I plan to live in an apartment

The owner of the apartment will help you complete the migration registration form. Contact them with your passport and migration card. The owner of the apartment can refer to these instructions.

You may need a petition drawn up on behalf of HSE University. To acquire this document, please send an application to the Visa and Registration Centre at visa-registration@hse.ru. If the Department of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs / Multifunctional Centre for your area requires a petition form that is different from the standard one, attach a file with an example to your e-mail (there is usually a sample on an information stand in the Department of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs / Multifunctional Centre, or it may be provided by their official).

When your petition is ready, you will receive an e-mail notification and can then pick up the document at the outgoing mailbox near the Visa and Registration Centre’s office at any time. The processing of the petition may take up to two working days.

Ask the owner of the apartment when you can receive a registration slip. Use our registration slip sample to check it. If you find a mistake in your registration document, please contact the owner of the apartment. You will receive a new slip within a few days. Until then, keep the invalid document with you.

I plan to stay in a hotel

The hotel receptionist will issue a registration slip - do not forget to pick it up!

Refer to our sample to check it. If you find a mistake in your registration slip, please immediately contact the hotel receptionist. You will receive a new slip within a few days. Until then, keep the invalid slip with you.

3. Which other procedures should I undergo after arrival to Russia?

Foreign citizens* who arrived to Russia after December 29th, 2021 to stay over 90 days are obliged to undergo the following compulsory procedures within 30 days since their arrival:

In case you need assistance, please contact International faculty support);

Read further information here.

* Citizens of Belarus, as well as holders of Russian temporary and permanent residence permits are exempt from these procedures.


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