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Regular version of the site

For Teachers (Regular Work Visa)

1. I want to visit another city in Russia. Should I inform somebody about this?

Yes. And this will depend on where you are residing.

I am staying in a private flat

Inform your landlord twice: prior to your trip and after you’ve returned.

On the first working day after your arrival, please go with your landlord, bringing along your passport, migration card and registration slips for all places you stayed while on your trip, to apply for new migration registration. Your landlord may refer to our instructions. Find out from your landlord about when you may pick up your new registration slip.

While checking your registration slip, refer to our sample. If you find any mistakes on the slip, immediately contact your landlord about this. You should be able to obtain new registration slip within several days. In the meantime, keep your registration slip with the mistake on your person.

I am staying in a hotel/hostel

Inform the receptionist of the hotel twice: prior to your trip and upon your return to the hotel.

On the following working day after your arrival, contact the hotel receptionist, bringing your passport, migration and registration slips from all places where you stayed during your trip. Find out from them about when you can pick up your registration slip.

Check your registration slip, referring to our sample. If you have identified a mistake in the registration slip, immediately contact the hotel front desk. You should be able to receive a new slip in several days. In the meantime, hold on to the registration slip with the mistake.

While travelling throughout the Russian Federation, you will be registered at places of your stay. So, make sure you bring your passport, migration card and current registration slip with you.

2. Does it matter where I will be staying?

Plan which cities you will visit and how many days you will spend in each, as well as decide as to where you will be staying.

I will be staying in a private flat

If you have chosen an apartment and plan to stay there longer than 7 (seven) working days, agree with the landlord to get you registered as soon as possible. Remind them that you will require a registration slip. Receive a slip and carefully check this document for any errors.

While checking your registration slip, refer to our sample. If you have identified a mistake in the registration slip, contact an apartment owner about it. You should be able to get a new registration slip in several days. In the meantime, keep the registration slip with the mistake on your person.

I will be staying in a hotel/hostel

Upon checking in, you will be asked to present your passport, migration card and previous registration slips to the hotel receptionist. Remind them that you will require a registration slip from the hotel stay. Later receive a new registration slip and carefully check this document for any mistakes.

If you are staying at a hotel in the City of Moscow or the Moscow Region for any period of time, confirm with the front desk if you will be registered.

While checking your registration, please refer to our sample. If you find a mistake on the document, immediately inform the hotel receptionist about it. You will receive a new registration slip in several days. In the meantime, keep the registration slip with the mistake on your person. Inform the hotel receptionist about your departure.

Your further migration registration will depend on this. A new registration slip, received during a trip in Russia, will cancel your previous registration document.


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