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Regular version of the site

For Teachers (Regular Work Visa)

1. Prior to leaving Russia

Prior to departing Russia for another country (for any reason), inform your apartment owner/hotel receptionist about the date of your departure and planned date of return. If you are transiting via Belarus, please refer to the key features of border crossing there.

When should I return?

You may enter the country on any day during the duration of your multiple-entry visa, but not later than 35 days prior to its expiry, so that you may submit documents for a visa extension in a timely fashion.

If you leave Russia while still on a single-entry visa, you will require a new invitation to obtain a visa to return to Russia. The process for issuing visas is described here.

What should I do if my visa expires while I am outside of Russia?

You will require an invitation for the issue of a new visa. The process for issuing visas is described here.

2. What should I do upon crossing the border when leaving Russia?

A border control officer will request that you present your passport with a visa and migration card. The official will take the migration card and place an exit stamp in your passport upon crossing the border.

3. After entry to Russia

With each entry to the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons are obligated to get registered with migration authorities. Further information about this can be read here.  


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